
21 Finish Strong (Lessons from Death) “Elisha died, and they buried him” (2 Kings 13:20) ******** “D eath,” said Robert M Herhold, “is that final separation from all that we have worked for, and that we have built up, and that is near and dear to us. It is too bad that dying is the last thing we do. Because it could teach us so much about living.” Examining our key text for this chapter, 2 Kings 13:14-21, let’s see what the death of Elisha teaches us about living. Recall from chapter 9 the unprecedented manner in which Elijah was transported from this life to the next. A chariot of fire and horses carried the prophet to heaven in a whirlwind. Like Enoch before him, he bypassed the normal route of death. There were no such theological theatrics here.The Bible simply says that, due to illness, “Elisha died, and they buried him” (2 Kings 13:20). Benjamin Franklin said, “If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead, either write things worth reading or do things worth writing .”That’s certainly been the case with this pair of beloved prophets. As we dissect this final scene, observe first


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