never found out who sent it. I eventually put it behind me, having learned a valuable lesson: don’t let detractors determine your out look, especially if they choose to go unnamed. The comparison trap- We gain further insight into Elijah’s plight through his statement, “I am not better than my fathers” (1 Kings 19:4). Rather than center his attention on God and the present, he fretfully measured himself against people from his past, further aggravating his deteriorating state of mind. Despite Peter’s denial (Mark 14:66-72), Jesus reinstated him during a post resurrection appearance beside the Sea of Galilee. Once Christ revealed to this repentant disciple his future fate, Peter turned toward John and inquired, “Lord, and what about this man?” to which Jesus replied, “If I want him to remain until I come, what is that to you?You follow me!” (John 21:22). Comparing ourselves to others often creates trouble.There’s always going to be someone richer, younger, smarter, thinner, pret tier, and with a lot more friends than you have. The blame trap – Elijah increased his misery by condemning himself for the failures of his people. Likewise, many people slip into a depressed state through self blame. I heard about a Sunday School teacher who despaired when a faithful member of her class stopped attending. For years, she grap pled with the possibility that it was her fault, discovering years later it was the lady’s husband that kept her from attending. I’ve blamed myself and been blamed by others when people quit attending our church, only to discover later it had nothing to do with me. The pity trap – Elijah threw a pity party, at which he was the guest of honor, the only guest in fact, until the Angel of the Lord arrived. Justifying himself, the prophet said, “I have been very zealous for the Lord, the God of hosts; for the sons of Israel have forsakenYour cov enant, torn downYour altars and killedYour prophets with the sword.And
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