ent position. Having been in that spot numerous times, I feel your pain. At various points in my ministry I’ve yearned to hear from God concerning a fresh start and new challenge, only to experi ence silence. Such waiting can be brutal, yet during such times the Lord often does His best work. As David writes, “Wait for the Lord; Be strong and let your heart take courage;Yes, wait for the Lord” (Psalm 27:14). Exiled in Babylon in the sixth century BC, the Jews found themselves strangers in a foreign land. Knowing that the return to their homeland wouldn’t happen anytime soon, God said to them, “Build houses and live in them; plant gardens and eat their produce” (Jere miah 29:5). Like the children of Israel, (cliche alert), you’ve got to bloom where planted and turn lemons into lemonade. Whether you’ve yearned for a change or a new opportunity has caught you by surprise, if it’s from God, you must: Resist any obstacle that might stand in the way of answering the call. Once God issues a new set of marching orders, count on the devil showing up to create doubt, fear and confusion. Note the following obstacles the enemy uses to divert God’s call: Prosperity -The fact that Elisha was plowing with 12 oxen seems to indicate that he was part of a prosperous farming family. No doubt, he’d have done very well for himself had he remained in his present setting. I’ve already mentioned my career before answering God’s call.The job had a generous expense account, brand new company car (an Oldsmobile Cutlass!), and more money than I needed, all in my early 20s. I remember my pastor and mentor saying, make absolutely sure there’s nothing you’d rather be doing before you make this step. Money and all that goes with it often has a mesmerizing
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