
“Ruth shuddered when she heard stories of her son’s driving a Land Rover across Middle Eastern desert terrain with steering wheel in one hand and a bottle of whiskey in the other, explaining that he drove better when he was relaxed.” It was in that same year that Franklin attended the Interna tional Conference ofWorld Evangelization in Lausanne, Switzer land. “Mingling with Third World Christians and recognizing the physical hardships many of them suffered moved Franklin tremen dously.” “A few weeks later, in a Jerusalem hotel room . . . he threw a wadded-up pack of cigarettes in the trash, knelt by his bed, and told God,‘I want you to be lord of my life. I am willing to give up any area that is not pleasing to you. And I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired.’” “Shortly thereafter, with his life on a straighter and narrow er path, Franklin married and went back to school at Appalachian State University, announcing that he planned to dedicate himself to a life of Christian service.” 1 That was nearly a half century ago! Unfortunately, there was no such ending for Ahaziah. One wonders if the third captain maintained his repentant spirit and became a true follower of God.Whatever the case, their situations have long since passed.Yet, yours remains. Perhaps you find your self in a difficult position spiritually, physically, financially, emotion ally, or something else.The question is, are you “inquiring of the Lord” and are you willing to wait on His answer?These are blunt inquiries, but ones that must be faced if you desire to grow in your relationship with the Lord.


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