
door, the boy, who longed to possess the skills of the woman’s husband, spoke up, “Please madam, will you give me the mas ter’s brush?”The lady then fetched the brush and gave it to the youth, “This is the brush, try it my boy.” Brimming with excitement, the boy used the brush, only to discover he painted no better with it than he did with his own.The widow then wisely said, “Remember my child, you cannot paint like the master unless you have his spirit.” 1 Possessing such discern ment, Elisha sought his master’s spirit, a double portion in fact, which he no doubt knew, sprang from the ultimate Master. Although this might seem like a desire for “twice as much” spirit as Elijah, it’s more likely to be a request, spiritually speaking, for the double portion of inheritance that went to the firstborn son (Deuteronomy 21:17).This makes sense, since Elijah no doubt had other “sons” in the school of prophets. And though Elisha would seem like the obvious choice, based on 2 Kings 19:19, it might still be considered a bit aggressive and ambitious. Elijah even said, “You have asked a difficult thing.” (2 Kings 2:10). Yet keep in mind the words of Jesus, “If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him” (Luke 11:13). Paul later wrote, “Pursue love, yet desire earnestly spiritual gifts, but espe cially that you may prophesy” (1 Corinthians 14:1). Nearly a thousand years before these words first appeared, Elisha earnestly desired a double portion of Elisha’s spirit, fully knowing that with such an anointing he could accomplish many great things for the glory of the lord. And soon after Elisha issued his request, an uncanny release took place. Let’s do a deep dive into this peculiar passing by exam ining these phenomena: Chariot of fire - “As they were walking along and talking together,


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