
Given the conditions in which he ministered, the comments he endured, and consequences that ensued, observe Elisha’s time of contemplation. Once this traumatic ordeal concluded, “He went on to Mount Carmel and from there returned to Samaria” (2 Kings 2:25). This was no time to hang around Bethel. Given what hap pened, his life might have been in danger. Decades of ministry awaited.A time of silence and solitude on Mount Carmel would work wonders. Consider the number of times King David hung out in caves or the wilderness, finding refuge from his enemies and enjoying intimate times with the Lord. Some great Psalms came out of such respite. Certainly, Elisha’s mentor took full advantage of such op portunities. Above all else, consider how often Jesus withdrew to lonely places (Luke 5:16, 6:12).There, He maintained that perfect connection to His Father and experienced physical/spiritual reju venation in the process. Once Elisha experienced such a season, he sprang back into action, as we shall now see.


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