14 Characteristics of a Christian Woman “‘Everything is all right,’ she said” (2 Kings 4:26). ******** A s I write these words, battles concerning the role of women in the church continue to rage within my de nomination. Each time this sensitive subject surfaces, I ask myself, “Where would our churches be without the tireless service of women throughout the centuries. Look how women have already played a key role in the ministries of Elijah and Elisha; poor desti tute widows at that. Now, as Elisha arrives at Shunem, located about 60 miles north of Jerusalem, yet another woman enters the picture to make an impact and provide assistance.This time, however, rather than a poor widow, she’s wealthy and married. Best of all, she’s dedicated and faithful to God. As we work our way through the central text of this chapter, 2 Kings 4:8-36, note carefully the following eight characteristics of a Christian woman. (By the way, men, don’t skip this chapter.There’s lots of good stuff in here for you as well!) Discerning- When Elisha came to town, “She said to her husband,‘I know
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