
Present- There at his side, Gehazi remained ever ready to do his master’s bidding. He showed up at work and answered the bell If he were alive today, he’d be a respected member of the community and regular church attender.You would find him there serving as a security worker, greeter or perhaps even teaching Sunday school class. He’d rarely miss a quarterly men’s breakfast. He and his wife would probably even be up for a weekend marriage retreat. Yet, this is no guarantee of a thriving relationship with Christ.As the Bible says, “Not everyone who says to Me,‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter” (Matthew 7:21), which is why it has been estimated that 50% of church members are not saved. Consider Judas. He was present and accounted for. He talked the talk, perhaps even walking the walk at times. He misled almost everyone.That would be Gehazi. His feet were there and his head was in it, yet his heart was missing. He no doubt had lots of people fooled, yet not the Shunammite, and certainly not Elisha. Pitiless- Observe carefully his servant’s reaction when the distressed woman reached Elisha and fell at his feet. “Gehazi came over to push her away” (2 Kings 4:27), a clear demonstration of lack of compassion. Again, Judas comes to mind. He objected when Mary poured costly perfume on Jesus’ feet. “Why was this perfume not sold for three hundred denaraii and given to poor people?” (John 12:5). Jesus became indignant when the disciples protested the little children coming to Him, saying, “Permit the children to come to Me; do not hinder them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these” (Mark 10:14). Jesus also told a parable about a man who had a huge debt forgiven, yet refused to show pity when a man who owed him a small amount refused to pay. Instead, he choked him and had him thrown in pris on. In the end, He got his punishment, as you can imagine.


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