
point, given his critical condition. Instead, he availed himself to the king. One of my key mentors in ministry, MiltonWood, the pastor when I was saved, died on October 14, 2022, after 62 years in the pastorate (two more than Elisha). Diagnosed with cancer two years before, he continued to serve. In fact, during that time, though battling cancer, he was called upon by a fledg ling church, down to less than 10 in attendance, to help them through a name change and restart. He not only preached, but also helped navigate them through major administrative issues. Today, he is with Jesus and the church is going strong. Milton not only answered the bell by helping a church during some poten tially complicated times, he also led one of his nurses to faith in those final days as well.You may be surprised how God can use you, despite the restrictions you may be facing. Next, when considering finishing strong and learning lessons from death, don’t be content with minimal effort, but rather, strive for excellence, moving beyond mediocrity. Continuing with his deathbed instructions, the prophet said, “‘Take the arrows,’ and he took them.And he said to the king of Isra el,‘Strike the ground,’ and he struck it three times and stopped” (2 Kings 13:18, emphasis added), meaning, he shot the arrows to a distant spot on the ground three times. Instead of affirming the king, Elisha became angry and said, “You should have struck five or six times, then you would have struck Aram until you destroyed it. But now you shall strike Aram only three times” (2 Kings 13:19). By shooting more arrows, Joash would have secured a great er victory. He had more ammunition at his disposal but chose not


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