of Elisha. “And when the man touched the bones of Elisha he revived and stood up on his feet” (2 Kings 13:21). So God had a surprise up His sleeve after all. No chariots of fire from heaven this time, yet one final miracle takes place and a life is extended due to the power of God and the bones of Elisha. Add to that the multiple millions of people who have read about and been inspired by this man over the centuries. On February 21, 2018, Billy Graham died just one year shy of 100. He leaves behind a legacy of millions of changed lives and saved souls, two thriving global ministries (one that bears his name and Samaritan’s Purse, the international relief organization led by his son Franklin), five children, 19 grandchildren, and much more such as countless sermons available online. More than likely, none of us will leave a legacy anywhere near that of Elisha or Billy Graham.Yet you have something now that they don’t have– the chance to add to it.And whether you like it or not, your influence will continue far beyond the grave.You know, along with a great cloud of witnesses, they are rooting for you to carry the torch and make a difference for the glory of God.
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