requires medical attention. Not being a physician, I can’t speak from that standpoint. As a pastor and believer with a background in theology, however, I can approach depression from a biblical/ spiritual perspective. That said, let’s move along in our account of Elijah, focusing specifically on 1 Kings 19:1-18. Remember from the last chapter that he experienced a major high by way of a significant victory over the prophets of Baal.Yet, just a short time later, the proph et sank to such a low that he wanted to die.Why such a drastic reversal? Because physically, spiritually, and emotionally drained, he succumbed to depression’s spell. If you find yourself even remotely close to such a mental pattern, strive to avoid the traps that ensnare those in such a state. The fear trap- Word of Elijah’s victory on Mount Carmel, especially the slain prophets of Baal, prompted this message from Jezebel: “So may the gods do to me even more, if I do not make your life as the life of one of them by tomorrow at this time” (1 Kings 19:2).Though called and guided by God, Elijah was afraid.Who wouldn’t be? According to Edmund Burke, “No passion so effectively robs the mind of its powers of acting and reasoning as fear.” “Fear, if al lowed to reign,” said John M.Wilson, “would reduce us all to trem bling shadows of men, for whom only death could bring release.” Elijah personifies that. The enemy trap- Elijah reigned victorious over the false prophets by keeping his focus on God. However, when threats from Jezebel ensued, his thoughts shifted to her. Early in my ministry, I received an anonymous letter, severe ly criticizing my work at the church where I served at the time. I had heard of others who received such notes, but this was a first for
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