
According to the Bible, “As he was walking down the road, some boys came out of the town and jeered at him,‘Get out of here, baldy!’ they said.‘Get out of here baldy!’” (2 Kings 2:23). Unlike Elijah, known for his garment of hair (2 Kings 1:8), Elisha stood out due to baldness. It must have been a family trait rather than old age, since he was a relatively young man at this point.What stands out even more than his lack of hair is the lack of respect demonstrated on the part of the boys. Serving as a volunteer recently at my church’sVBS, I worked along scores of teenage helpers. Home schooled, private schooled and public schooled, they couldn’t have been more respectful. It was a week of “yes sirs” and “thank you sirs,” as they wore smiles and demonstrated patience with rambunctious children.Watching these future influencers made the week even more special. According to Scripture, “there must be no filthiness and silly talk, or coarse jesting , which are not fitting, but rather giving of thanks” (Ephe sians 5:4). Unfortunately these boys didn’t get the memo, and what made matters worse, they made fun of Elisha’s physical appearance. Perhaps we might tease people for what they are wearing - that is if we knew them well and were certain they could take a little jabbing. However, poking fun at a person’s physical attributes, especially if it’s something he/she has no control over, is absolutely off limits; especially in this hypersensitive, social media dominated society in which we live. Of course, there’s an even bigger issue going on with the Bethel boys and Elisha.They weren’t just insulting the man, but the God he represented as well.The spiritual climate had deteriorated so badly in Bethel that they had no fear firing verbal arrows at the prophet.


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