To the Community of Villa Rica, As we enter into the fall, the excitement of football season is beginning to climb. I am extremely excited for the kids within our program to get the opportunity to showcase all of the progress they have made in the
off-season. This off-season has been different for our program. We have continually demanded more and more from our players. As we raised the standard, the kids continued to meet
it. As a coach, it has been amazing to watch our kids develop into young men and develop qualities that will eventually make them successful. I never would’ve imagined how much the kids have grown as individuals over the course of one off-season. On top of growing as individuals, they have also grown together. The 2023 Villa Rica Wildcats are a close knit group that truly cares about each other. We have ensured that they are consistently exposed to adversity. In the face of adversi ty, they have not divided. Through difficult challenges, they grew together, learned how to lean on each other, and ultimately how to put their own interest aside for the young man next to them. One of the things that makes football the greatest sport ever is its ability to bring people from all backgrounds together. We have kids from all ends of the spectrum, but they love each other and are working towards a common goal. Football not only has the power to bring people together when you play it, but also as a community supports their team. I am calling all members of our community to unite in their support of our program. Since the moment I stepped foot in Villa Rica, I knew this was a special place with amazing potential. It is our job to ensure that our potential becomes reality. As a community, we are in one boat together. In order to get where we want to go, we must all row in one direction, together. I look forward to getting the boat and rowing with you, because I believe we can end up in a special place. Go Cats!!
-Coach Barron
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