LINE DANCE SOCIAL 3rdWednesday of each month, 10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Ages 18 & Over $10/per person This Line Dance Social is for You! It’s designed to help us remember all those dances we have learned over the years. It’s a chance to come and practice. We will dance, dance, dance all day to your favorite newbies, oldies and/or whatev- Attendees of each dance social may submit dance requests to Debra by the secondWednesday of each month. Dances receiving the most requests will take priority, but an effort to play all requests will be made. Turbo Teaches If needed, a quick “refresher” run through of one wall of each dance will be given right before the music starts. Instructors attending the social are asked to help with the turbo teaches. Lunch Bring your own lunch or bring a snack to share for a “potluck” lunch with friends around noon. Plenty of fast food and full restaurants close by. Instructor: Debra Cleckler | 770-456-6244 | 404-398-2150 (cell) email: Please visit us online at SENIOR DANCES (OPEN TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC) : Cost: $7.00 per person Location: V-Plex Civic Center (1605 Hwy. 61) Times: 7:30-10:30pm er the demand is. Dance Requests
TABATA BOOTCAMP The Tabata bootcamp uses high intensity interval training. This is a fast paced class geared towards increas- ing your heart rate, creating more stamina and burning fat for maxi- mum endurance. Each class has a mix of strength, core & balance exercises that are done to timed music with rest periods in between each exercise.
Register online: Age: Adults Only Class - (18 years & up) Cost:$15 per month or $5 drop-in fee per class Class participation: minimum 4, maximum 7 Requirements: Participants must bring a yoga mat. Water bottle and towel are recommended.
Class Schedule: Monday &Wednesday Time: 6:15 p.m. - 6:45 p.m. (30 minutes) Important Note: There are no make-up classes for absences. Instructor: Gretchen House Class Information: CARDIOPLUS CARDIOPlus is three evenings per week, 30-minute class that has cardio movements, toning for core torso muscle and body activi- ties that use your own body mass. Examples are sit ups, push-ups, squats, lunges & jumping jacks among other movements. At times step benches, stretch bands, Swiss/Pilates balls & light weights will be incorporated. Please show up 10 minutes before class starts in order to get out the equipment you will need. Register online: Ages: Age 18 & Up Class schedule: Monday, Tuesday & Thursday Time: 7:15 pm - 7:45 pm Cost: $20 per month or $5 drop in fee per class Class participation: minimum 4, maximum 7 Requirements: Participants must bring a yoga mat. Water bottle and a towel are recommended. Important note: There are not any makeup classes for absences. Instructor: Gretchen House Class Information:
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