file-upload - 2016-02-16 07.43.32 - LBGFEB2016
Mon-Thur 8 AM- 12 PM & 4 PM- 6:30 PM. 678-941-3670
Walk-ins Welcome
we are a satellite clinic for Atlanta West Veterinary Hospital conveniently located on Hwy 61 South.
497B Bankhead Hwy Carrollton, GA 30117 Ph: 770 838 5901 Antiques, Retro & Mid-Century furniture, Art Deco, DVD’s & CD’s and much more FABOU ESTATE SALES
Antiques Plus of Bowdon
Located at the corner of Kids Peace Dr & Highway 166 W. Bowdon, GA 30108
Accepting Dealer applications 12 x 10 - 0 commission
For more information 678-378-7037 or 443-309-5846
APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE The Checker Berry Shoppe it Bowd•• A .tiq" M,ll . ~ . , 12 9-1 3 1 We s t College S tr eet ~ - . B owd o n , GA 30 I 08 77 0 258752 4 O pen M o nday - Saturda y lOam to 6 p m J ane E a s on , Owne r Bowdon Antique Mall 129-131 West College Street Bowdon, GA 30108 770 25 7524 pen Monday - Saturday 10 am to 6 pm Jane ason, Owner r ry e All Major Appliances, Refrigerators, Washer & Dryers, Dishwashers and Ranges • Whirlpool • GE • Fridgidaire • Ken more Lee Moore APPLIANCE Sales • Service • Parts Since 1971 ANTIQUES
115West Ward Street • Carrollton, Georgia 30117 770.834.2931 • Fax 770.834.1765
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