2021-2022 THE Official THS Student Handbook
1. Students are expected to be in first period by 8:25. Unexcused tardies to school will result in the following: -Tardy 1-3 for the semester will result in a warning.
-Tardy 4 will result in a 5 day suspension of driving privileges. -Tardy 5 will result in a 30 day suspension of driving privileges.
-Tardy 6 will result in a min. suspension of 30 days or the remainder of the semester, whichever is more. 2. Students who have 5 unexcused absences for the semester will have their driving privileges revoked for the remainder of the semester. 3. Students parking on campus will be subject to random drug testing. 4. No cruising or loitering in the car rider area, lower parking lot, or upper parking lot (students with no after school responsibilities must be off campus by 3:40). 5. Students must pass 5 classes during each semester grading period. Students who do not pass 5 classes will have their parking privilege suspended and must surrender their permit until they are passing 5 classes in a semester period. 6. Cars may be towed at owner's expense for the following violations: -Any vehicle parked in a space without a student-parking permit hanging from the rear-view mirror. -Vehicles parked in areas that are not marked as parking spaces. -Any student vehicle parked on campus other than the assigned student parking lot/spot. 7. Radios and sound systems must be kept at a volume that cannot be heard outside of the vehicle. 8. Once a student drives on campus, he/she is considered “at school” and must check out legally to leave campus. Violation of this rule will result in school discipline and loss of driving privileges ranging from up to 30 days to the remainder of the year. 9. Once students have arrived on campus, students may not transport other students off campus. Violation of this rule will result in school discipline and loss of driving privileges for the remainder of the year. 10. Students may not back into their parking spaces. 11. Students must park in the parking spaces assigned to them. 12. Student vehicles must not have any obscene or inappropriate stickers, decals, adornments, etc. 13. Permits must be hung on the rear-view mirror visibly. 14. Students must get a temporary permit from the office immediately upon arrival when driving a car onto the THS campus without a permit. 15. Students will not be allowed to drive to the College and Career Academy without written approval by an administrator at THS and CCA. 16. Parking is a privilege that may be revoked without a refund for parking violations. 17. Parking permits cost $25.00 per semester or $40.00 for the year and are valid for the 2021-2022 school year only and must be paid with cash, check or money order.
I have read and understand these parking regulations.
__________________________________ _______________________________ Parent signature Student signature
Parent’s phone: home____________ work_______________ cell __________________
Note: Students receive this form at the time of purchase of their permits. A permit will not be issued until the student returns this form signed by the student and his/her parent/guardian
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