2021-2022 THE Official THS Student Handbook

PLAGIARISM (Theft of Print Material) The easy access to information via the Internet and other digital formats has facilitated an increase in plagiarism. Theft of print material is a serious ethical, as well as legal, transgression. In an effort to combat this growing issue, THS will follow this process when addressing plagiarism: Intentional plagiarism will result in a “0” or No Credit for the assignment. Intentional plagiarism is defined as knowingly submitting another person’s work with the intent of presenting it as original work. Intentional plagiarism includes any of the following examples: 1) directly copying text from Internet sources or from textual sources including books, articles or other people’s essays/articles without documentation, and 2) paraphrasing information or ideas from above-mentioned external sources without documentation. Using information (direct quotes or paraphrased information/ideas) requires both internal documentation, usually including the author’s last name and page number if available, and a bibliographic entry on a Works Cited page at the end of the paper or written response. Unintentional plagiarism will result in a failing grade for the assignment, which may be replaced if a corrected submission is allowed by the teacher. Unintentional plagiarism includes incorrect citations of quoted or paraphrased information or material, such as incorrect documentation formats on either the internal documentation or the Works Cited page. Students will be provided with examples and resource links in their English classes for internal documentation formats and Works Cited page formats. Students are expected to follow these guidelines for any writing in ANY course that involves using external sources. PLEDGE OFALLEGIANCE Each student in Carroll County Schools shall be afforded the opportunity to recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America during each school day. PROM Any student of Temple High School who has paid his/her Prom fee and is a Junior or Senior by the beginning of the second semester of the current year is eligible for the Junior/Senior Prom. Prom guests must be 14-20 years old and either be in high school or have attended high school previously. Guest names and approval form must be submitted to the Junior Sponsor at least two weeks prior to prom. ***It is important to note that prom attendance is a privilege. Students should be aware that they can lose this privilege as a consequence of behavior or attendance issues and dues will not be refunded. For example, students who are assigned OSS/ISS through the date of the prom will not be able to attend and their dues will not be refunded. Any student who accumulates more than 10 unexcused absences prior to the date of prom will not participate (No Refund) . Additionally, any student accumulating more than 10 combined ISS/OSS days will have their prom privileges revoked. This includes dates attending from another school. (No Refund) REPORTING PROCEDURES FOR GRADING Students receive report cards every nine weeks and progress reports at the midpoint of each grading period. Final report cards may be picked up during the summer in the front office. Parents are encouraged to contact their child’s teacher throughout the year to discuss academic concerns.


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