2021-2022 THE Official THS Student Handbook
Welcome to Temple High School – home of the Temple Tigers! The school year should prove to be a very positive and successful experience for everyone involved. Parents/guardians and students should take time to carefully review the information in this handbook. Many school and student expectations are explained and clarified; however, this is not an all-encompassing document. The last page of the document is a signature page for the parent/guardian and student to sign. Students are responsible for returning this page to their first period teacher by the end of the first week of school. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns about the information in this handbook. ACADEMIC RECOGNITION Temple High School recognizes superior academic achievement by students with a publicized honor roll at the end of each semester. Students can qualify for the high honor roll by having a 4.0 GPA and the regular honor roll with a 3.5 GPA on their report cards for the semester. Students who demonstrate consistently high academic standards will be recognized at the annual Academic Awards Event at the end of each year. Students are invited to this event based on performance during the first three nine weeks of school. All students are encouraged to strive for these honors. ACCIDENT INSURANCE Accident insurance can be purchased for students. Coverage is the option of the parent or guardian, and all claims are filed directly with the insurance company. Information about purchasing student accident insurance can be obtained at the school. In the event of an accident or illness, the student will receive emergency treatment deemed necessary and the parent or guardian will be responsible for any costs incurred. Please refer to the District Student ADAP PROGRAM In Georgia, teens under the age of 18 are required by law to show proof that they have completed ADAP ( Alcohol and Drug Awareness Program ) in order to obtain their Class D driver's license. THS students have the opportunity to complete the ADAP program in their health class. ARRIVALAND DEPARTURE Temple High School has a closed campus policy. Students must stay on the school grounds from the time they arrive until dismissed. When a student leaves campus, he/she should not return to the campus unless checking in properly to attend classes. Work-Based Learning (WBL) students should not return to campus after they are released. Upon arriving on campus in the morning, students should report to their First period classroom. Breakfast will be “Grab and Go.” Student’s wanting breakfast may report to the cafeteria, get breakfast and report straight to 1st period. Loitering is not permitted. When school is dismissed, drivers must report directly to the student parking lot, and bus riders must report to the bus loading area. Car riders must report directly to their school designated loading area outside of the lunchroom. Students may ride only their home bus. Notes to ride another bus will not be accepted. Students remaining at school for athletics and extracurricular activities must report directly to their activity. Students may not remain after school to watch practices or wait for a participant involved in an extracurricular activity. All students not involved in an extracurricular activity must leave campus by 3:40. Unauthorized areas: No students are to be in parking lots, athletic fields or gym, or outside the building of their assigned class without proper permission. Handbook Insert page D3 for more information.
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