2021-2022 THE Official THS Student Handbook
ATTENDANCE School attendance is compulsory in Georgia between the ages of six (6) and sixteen (16). Children enrolled in the public schools prior to their sixth birthday are subject to this law and the rules of the State Board of Education governing compulsory attendance, even though they have not attained six years of age. The professional staff has the responsibility to enforce the compulsory attendance law where applicable. School social workers have the authority and duty to file proceedings in court to enforce the compulsory attendance law. During the day the students are the responsibility of the school. Parents expect the school to take proper care of their children and to protect them with proper supervision. In order that this may be done, no student is to leave school without following proper checkout procedures. Leaving school without following proper checkout procedures is a serious offense and any student guilty of this is subject to suspension. Truancy – Truancy is being absent from school without permission from your parent or guardian, skipping class or a required activity, leaving campus without permission, or being chronically tardy to school or class. Truant is defined as any child subject to compulsory attendance who, during the school calendar year, has more than five days of unexcused absences. Parents are urged to arrange doctor visits for well-health issues outside of school hours. Students with doctor appointments will be excused only for the time of the visit and a reasonable time before and after the visit. The remaining portion of the day shall be counted unlawful. Excuses from medical facilities are required to specify the time the student was at the medical facility. The disciplinary action generally taken against truancy is ISS or suspension. If truancy becomes chronic, the school social worker will ask the court system to become involved. Students leaving campus in a vehicle will have parking privileges revoked. Any student who has a pattern or history of absences may be asked to provide doctors excuses for each absence. Students with excessive absences due to medical reasons will be referred to the school nurse and/or social worker to facilitate school attendance. School days missed as a result of an out-of-school suspension (OSS) shall not count as unexcused days for the purpose of determining truancy. CERTIFICATE OF ENROLLMENT- DRIVING Certificate of Enrollment request forms may be submitted on Wednesday for processing. There will be a $5.00 fee for each Certificate of Enrollment form requested. Students will be able to pick up completed forms on Friday. See the front office secretary for forms before school or between classes in the front office. CHECK IN AND CHECK OUT Any student who checks in after 8:25 am must do so in the front office. Any student, grade 9-12, who checks out early must do so in the front office. A student may check out early when a parent/guardian comes to sign him or her out or if a note is sent and verified by personnel in the front office. These notes should be turned into the office prior to 8:15 am each morning. A parent/guardian must accompany student in order for the student to be allowed to check back into school; however, a student will be allowed to check back in with a legal excuse, i.e., doctor, dentist, court, etc. Only in emergency situations will check out by other means be allowed and must have approval of an administrator. A student should never leave campus without going through the proper procedure. Students who leave campus without permission will have disciplinary consequences. Leaving school before the end of the instructional day may only be for lawful reasons. Students leaving before the end of the day may be counted absent from the class or classes missed if they are not present for the entire class. Students with excessive absences must have administrative approval prior to checking out. Please refer to the District Student Handbook Insert page D3 for Attendance Protocol.
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