
After serving as a senior pastor for 30 years, Todd moved to Athens, Georgia in 2020, where he continues to minister on an interim basis. In addition to 14 books, Todd has written countless articles and blogs. He and his wife Charlene have two married daughters and three grandchildren. After serving as a senior pastor fo Todd moved to Athens, Georgia in 2 he continues to minister on an interi In addition to 14 books, Todd h countless articles and blogs. He an Charlene have two married daug three grandchildren. Elijah’s work is known to be mor with his victory on Mount Carmel chariot ride to heaven. Yet Elisha, portion” of his master’s spirit, enjoy one in which he executed twice as m As you delve into these pages, und power that fueled these two great p as well. Just as Elisha asked for portion” of Elijah’s spirit, ask God fo Spirit. Then, put yourself in a posi before in this spiritually thirsty and Equipped by the Spirit and possessing the “mantle” once held by these powerful prophets, go forth and make a difference in your family, church, community, and world. When considering great mentor/mentee relationships in the Bible, Moses and Joshua, along with Paul and Timothy come to mind. Arguably, the most intriguing, influential, and impressive, however, is Elijah and Elisha. With combined ministries that totaled over 100 years between them, this dynamic duo counseled (and sometimes confronted) kings, taught prophetic students, performed miracles, and much more. Elijah’s work is known to be more dramatic and theatrical, with his victory on Mount Carmel and fiery, death-escaping chariot ride to heaven. Yet Elisha, equipped with a “double portion” of his master’s spirit, enjoyed a longer prophetic run, one in which he executed twice as many miracles. As you delve into these pages, understand fully that the same power that fueled these two great prophets is available to you as well. Just as Elisha asked for and received a “double portion” of Elijah’s spirit, ask God for a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit. Then, put yourself in a position to be used like never before in this spiritually thirsty and hungry world. Equipped by the Spirit “mantle” once held by these p forth and make a difference in community, and world. When considering great mentor/m Bible, Moses and Joshua, along with mind. Arguably, the most intr impressive, however, is Elijah an ministries that totaled over 100 y dynamic duo counseled (and som taught prophetic students, perfor more.

Double Portion GADDIS


Equipped by the Spirit and possessing “mantle” once held by these powerful prophet forth and make a difference in your family, chu community, and world.

When considering great mentor/mentee relationships i Bible, Moses and Joshua, along with Paul and Timothy co mind. Arguably, the most intriguing, influential, impressive, however, is Elijah and Elisha. With com ministries that totaled over 100 years between them dynamic duo counseled (and sometimes confronted) k taught prophetic students, performed miracles, and more.

Elijah’s work is known to be more dramatic and thea with his victory on Mount Carmel and fiery, death-esca chariot ride to heaven. Yet Elisha, equipped with a “d portion” of his master’s spirit, enjoyed a longer propheti one in which he executed twice as many miracles.

As you delve into these pages, understand fully that the power that fueled these two great prophets is available t

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