FBCD_FaithEssentials_Interior (2)


Throw Out the Lifeline

“How could I, unless someone guides me?” (Act 8:31) 


magine you’re with friends aboard a pontoon boat on the lake when all of a sudden you hear screaming and see splashing from someone drowning just a few yards away, moments away from death. Assessing the situation, you spot a life preserver connected to a rope attached to the back of the boat. Calmly and quickly, you detach the ring and toss it beside the distressed swimmer. Before long, that person is safely aboard your craft headed for land. People all around you are drowning in sin, tragically headed for the second death, which is infinitely worse than physical drowning. As a born again believer, you have in your possession a Lifeline, Someone who can save them and provide their escape from eternal separation from God. Are you willing to take a few minutes of your time and point them to Jesus? The best thing that could ever happen to you on this fallen earth is discovering Christ as Savior. The second best thing is leading someone else to faith in Him. Sadly, statistics indicates most believers


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