FBCD_FaithEssentials_Interior (2)
Todd Gaddis
never experience this privilege that far exceeds anything this world has to offer. Let’s examine someone who specialized in throwing out spiritual lifelines. His name is Philip and he was among the original seven deacons in the early church. As we delve into a scene from this life, recorded in Acts 8:26-37, note first that God prompts those sensitive to His purpose. Philip was preaching in the villages of Samaria when an angel sent him south to Gaza. While on his way, he ran across a high-ranking government official returning to Ethiopia from Jerusalem. At that point, “The Spirit said to Philip, ‘Go up and join this chariot’” (Acts 8:29). Later in the book of Acts, as Paul and Silas traveled on one of their missionary journeys, the Holy Spirit stopped them from a planned speaking stop. Then, a man appeared to Paul in a vision, pleading, “Come over to Macedonia and help us” (Acts 16:9). They answered the appeal, a move which opened doors for the spread of the Gospel into Europe. I can’t tell you the number of times the Holy Spirit has nudged my heart or arranged for a divine appointment in which I needed to share a word with someone about Christ. I haven’t always obeyed the call yet never regretted when I did. I heard a layman speak at a conference several years ago who had led hundreds of people to faith in Christ. When asked the secret to his success he answered, “I prayed for a burden.” As you consider this life changing subject of witnessing and evangelism, be open to the arrangements God will make for you to present your story. If you haven’t heard from Him, pray for a burden for lost people, asking Him to make that happen for you. You’ll soon realize that He prepares those who haven’t discovered the truth. Our text tells us that not only had the traveler gone to Jerusalem to worship, he was reading from the prophet Isaiah when Philip came along. Likely, this identifies him as a “God-fearer,” a Gentile follower
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