FBCD_FaithEssentials_Interior (2)

Faith Essentials

of God. Peter later encounters another such person named Cornelius, a devout military man whom God had primed and prepped to receive the Gospel (Acts 10:1-8). Twenty centuries later, our communities, and churches too, teem with people just like the two men just mentioned. Though not yet converted, they certainly show curiosity and interest. Like that wee little man Zaccheus, they’ve made a spiritual climb up a sycamore tree to catch a better glimpse of Jesus. A key principle I remember from my evangelistic training is that the Holy Spirit works in the lives of all unbelievers. He convicts lost people of their sin and attests to the truth of God’s Word being presented. So, it should bring you great comfort to know that God plows the ground and prepares a seedbed before you ever come along. Of course, that’s no guarantee the person will respond positively. We’ve all been given a free will. There’s always the possibility that the person to whom you are ministering will resist the work of the Spirit. Fortunately, the official was receptive and ready for the evangelist’s message. And as Philip discovered, God not only prompts those sensitive to His purpose, He provides for those willing to obey. Most Christians won’t share their faith because they don’t know what to say or fear saying the wrong thing. Don’t let the enemy discourage from sharing the gift of eternal life with others. Creator God, Christ in you, will not only provide the words, He will interpret what the person hears. Jesus told His disciples they would be brought before various officials, “But when they hand you over, do not worry about how or what you are to say; for it will be given you in that hour what you are to say. For it is not you who speak, but it is the Spirit of your Father who speaks in you” (Matthew 10:19,20). THE SPIRIT CONVICTS


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