FromNowUntilForeverBook8.5x5.5 REV.indd

willingly submit to Jesus’ reign.While we can certainly call it a transformation, transition might be more accurate when it comes to the process involved and obstacles to overcome.With that in mind, let’s explore the following five answers to “Why the millennium?” Suppression of enemies— “Wait a minute,” a skeptic might ask, “isn’t that what Armageddon was all about? After all, weren’t the Antichrist and False Prophet thrown into the lake of fire at the conclusion of the great tribulation? And, isn’t Satan imprisoned during this time?”Yes and yes are the answers. Yet just because the unholy trinity is out of the picture, doesn’t mean there won’t be a carryover effect from their years in power. As Paul writes, Christ “must reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet” (1 Corinthians 15:25). Paul no doubt had these words from David in mind when writing: “The Lord says to my Lord:‘Sit at My right hand until I makeYour enemies a footstool for Your feet.’” (Psalm 110:1). As one commentator states, “‘His enemies under His feet’ comes from the common practice in ancient times of kings and emperors always sitting enthroned above their subjects, so that when the subjects bowed they were literally under, or lower, than the sovereign’s feet.With enemies, a king would often literally put his foot on the neck of the conquered king or general, symbolizing the enemy’s total subjection.” 54 This brings to mind the Hebrews as they prepared to cross the Jordon and enter Canaan. Although they were com- manded to totally destroy their enemies present there (Deuter- onomy 7:3), they allowed their adversaries to encroach upon them rather than them encroaching upon their adversaries by intermarrying, embracing idols, and other practices.This will


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