FromNowUntilForeverBook8.5x5.5 REV.indd
not be the case during the illennium. As David went on to re- cord, “The Lord will stretch forthYour strong scepter from Zion, saying, ‘Rule in the midst of your enemies’” (Psalm 110:2). This restriction and removal of the enemies of God’s people paves the way for several things: Implementation of a godly government— Recall from the last chapter that the non-ending, ever increasing mil- lennial government will rest on the shoulders of Jesus (Isaiah 9:7). Though a patriot who loves his country and respects its government, I’m currently frustrated with how it’s working, especially from a political standpoint (on both sides of the aisle). Egged on by the media, our leaders remain trapped in a quagmire of finger-pointing, bickering, and overspending rath- er than addressing the necessary issues.Thankfully, this will not be the case in these 1000 years, with Jesus on the throne and in control. Note in particular the phrase “ever increasing,” which brings to mind the British Empire. Known as a land mass on which “the sun never set,” it was the greatest empire in the history of the world. At its peak in 1920, the Brits controlled nearly one quarter of the earth, or 22 million square miles. Yet, this pales in comparison to the End Time government over which Christ will control from Jerusalem. “One day David’s son, David’s sovereign, will set up His throne in Zion. His scepter will sway over Israel and Judah, over the nations of the world and the islands of the sea, from north to south, east to west, from pole to pole.” 55 What a joy and relief it will be to see a “heavenly” government operate in a way in which no earthly one ever has. Add to that, an accompanying: Establishment of permanent peace— Our world thrives on conflict, with the media ever eager to throw gasoline
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