About Our Speakers
Linda Wiant, PharmD currently serves as the Division Chief, Medical Assistance Plans in the Georgia Department of Community Health, a position she has held since March, 2015. Dr. Wiant previously served as Pharmacy Director for the Department of Community Health, Medicaid Division, and has over twenty years experience in managed care pharmacy, with much of that experience in Medicaid and Medicaid Managed Care environments. She has been with the Department since 2011. Her previous experience includes 10 years in the Medicaid and Federal pharmacy benefits management arena, and product development, auditing and
business development in the private sector.
Dr. Wiant received her pharmacy degree from Mercer University and completed a pharmacy practice residency at University Medical Center (Now Shands Jacksonville) in Jacksonville, Florida.
Linda Wiant, PharmD Chief, Medical Assistance Plans Georgia Department of Community Health Phone: 404.657.7792 Email:
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