About Our Speakers
Bryan Dague, Ed.D., CRC has been employed at the University of Vermont‐Center on Disability & Community Inclusion for the past 23 years providing training and technical assistance in the areas of supported employment and transition for people with disabilities. In 2006, Bryan earned his doctorate in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies from the University of Vermont. His dissertation entitled “Sheltered Employment, Sheltered Lives: Navigating the New Realities of Community Employment” focused on the last sheltered workshop in Vermont and the impact the conversion had on the families and participants. Dr.
Dague has provided training and consulting on the conversion of sheltered workshops to community‐based employment in New York, Ohio and Vermont as well as presentations in the U.S., Canada and Ireland.
Bryan Dague, EdD, CRC Research Associate University of Vermont Phone: 802.656.1345 Email:
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