s o u t h A t l a n t a ' s F u n F a m i l y R e s o u r c e
May 2017
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Monthly Event Calendar Inside Summer Camp
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FROM ThE PublIshER Happy New Year! It’s hard for me to believe we are entering our 6th year of publishing Just 4 Families Digest. It is an absolute pleasure to bring our publication to you each month. A few days after Christmas, I received a call from a retiree. He told me our article on “how gratitude can transform your life”, actually transformed not only his holiday season, but his life. His gracious call made my day, plus gave me renewed enthusiasm toward our upcoming issues for 2013. Making a difference, no matter how big or small, is our foremost objective. This month, we focus on video games and our daily use of technology. As with all of our subjects, we present pros and cons as opinions on this topic, not as judgement or criticism. Certainly, we do not have the definitive answers to these complex topics, but hope our articles will simply provoke thoughts to help you find a balance for you and your family. I don’t know anyone who was not affected by the ENTER TO WIN !! Bubbles and Brushes
Just 4 Families Digest is offering you even more ways to win! Simply go to the Facebook Page by each prize and enter to WIN! Be sure to check out Just 4 Families Digest on Facebook for more information on these contests. Win $100 Gift Certificates Go to and sign up for $ale mail.
tradgey at Sandy Hook elementary. Personally, it caused me to make some unpopular changes in what I accepted inmy household. For me, I simply can’t allow violence in my home and it helped me to honor these victims in this way. Am I saying I believe violent video games caused this tradgey? Absolutely not, but the chance that they were a part of a devastating recipe of violence gave me pause. I think in that quiet, we find our own answers. Finally, please visit our participating advertisers and let them know you saw their ad in Just 4 Families Digest. They have quality services and products for you and your family and bring Just 4 Families Digest to you FREE each month. Our monthly issues are available at nearly 400 locations, plus all the Kroger stores. Don’t forget our digital version available 24/7 on our website.
FREE Summer Camp
SUMMER ART CAMPS! Held every week all summer long!
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$50 OFF a FULL DAY SUMMER CAMP ! Camps are5 days long.Only one coupon per person per camp. Expires8/1/17. Not validwith any other offers, discounts, or coupons, includingmember deals& early bird JFF2/17
SUMMER CAMP ! Camps are5 days long.Only one coupon per person per camp. Expires8/1/17. Not validwith any other offers, discounts, or coupons, includingmember deals& arly bird JFF2/17
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Kids Tech Academy offers a well-rounded summer camp experience by blending technology education with the activities and lifetime benefits of traditional summer camps. Our Stem-TECH-ular program includes access to our full-size gym, recreational swimming in our on-site pool; daily S.T.E.A.M activities, assorted weekly classes, art projects, access to the game room retreat, meal plan, a field trip a week and much more all for one affordable weekly rate. Steam- T E C H -ular Summer Camp 2017
• Early Childhood Development (6 weeks - 5 years) • Extended (Before and After) Care (4-13 years) • Camp Counselor Volunteers (Summer 14 - 17 years) • Summer Enrichment Technology Based Camps (4-13 years) • Highly qualified staff in an affordable, nurturing and safe environment • Daily meal program including breakfast, lunch and snack • Weekly Field Trips (Summer 6-13 years) • Reactional On-Site Swimming with Certified Lifeguards • Swimming Instruction (additional cost) • Family Style Environment Focused on Education through Fun S.T.E.A.M Learning Experiences
Register Today, SPACES LIMITED!
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A special place for people of all ages who love to make music! Camp Dates: June 12-16, June 26-30, July 10-14, July 17-21
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Cooking With Your Kids: Nurturing Your Child’s “Inner Chef” by Desiree Faerychild In order to get our children interested in eating nutritional food, we should allow our foundation. You may be concerned about kitchen safety, but that is only one aspect of cooking
munchkins to cook with us at an early age. Chances are, if a parent is especially culinarily inclined, some of this inspiration will be naturally passed on to the child, simply as a matter of enthusiasm, ritual and interest. But if you have a true protégé on your hands, you may find yourself wondering if you’re essentially up to the task. Fundamentally, the education of cooking begins with the study of food, this is a very broad subject, but it is also an important
which your child will need to learn about. There are plenty of things to keep him involved, to help him learn and absorb an abundance of information; all the while remaining safe and burn free. The Source: For a start, take your aspiring chef to the place where it all begins. Many farms, pumpkin patches, orchards, you-pick’s and even certain food processing factories allow visitors, or better still, guided tours. Stroll through a chocolate
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manufacturing plant and watch as your child looks over the whole process with wide eyes filled with amazement. Or take him to where he can pick his own berries or fruit right off the trees. Learning about the sources of different foods is the preliminary aspect to becoming a great chef. Check out these You-Pick Farms: Adams Farm 486 HWY 54 W. in Fayetteville • Whitley Farms 917 Bob Smith Rd. in Sharpsburg • Gregg Farms 5634 Concord Rd. in Concord • Fitzgerald Fruit Farms 3355 Imlac Rd in Woodbury Or plan a trip to Of course, if you have the space, you can help little Lucy start her very own veggie garden. Choose easy and fast growing plants like beans, peas, or tomatoes. The technique of growing their own food is one of those foundational lessons which will stay with them forever. And you don’t need a ton of room, or even an outside plot. If all you have are a semi-sunny window and a yogurt container that is a start. The lesson is what matters, not the produce. recipes and kitchen tools. Visit your local children’s book store or local library and search for interesting, picture-filled cookbooks to inspire both yourself and your child. Kitchen Rules & Safety: Books also make great sources for information regarding food,
Communication is an important component of learning one’s way around the kitchen, most particularly when we are instructing children. From an early age children can learn the rules about kitchen safety, how to respect this unique area of their home. They must be made to realize that their behavior is important when certain elements or tools, such as the stove or sharp knives, are in use. Certainly, we should alter our habits to be mindful when our children assist us. We need to remember that they are learning and should not be entrusted with tasks or responsibilities beyond their skill level. Children require constant supervision, so always err on the side of safety. Enforcing a requirement of cleanliness in the kitchen is of utmost importance and instills healthy habits for your future culinary artist. Before beginning any projects, insure all parties wash their hands. Keeping young fingers out of noses and mouths can be a tricky task, but a gentle reminder and explanation is often enough. Dressing the Part: Remember to dress your little helper, as well as yourself, appropriately in aprons or other such kitchen attire. This not only gives you both a sense of ambition and purpose, but also keeps cooking messes off of your regular clothing. In addition, this sense of
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uniform may aid your little chef in remembering that he is “on duty.” This will go a long way towards reducing kitchen shenanigans and will keep his attention on the task at hand. Simple Entry-level Jobs: Washing up vegetables, peeling oranges, snapping the heads off green beans, etc., are all jobs suitable for young fingers. Other tasks which may be attempted with minimal assistance from you are: stirring cake batter, carefully grating carrots or peeling vegetables, measuring ingredients, kneading pizza dough, spreading nut butters and building sandwiches, mashing potatoes (if cool enough), scooping out avocados, serving portions, cake decorating, etc. If your child is either a competent reader, or becoming one, you can put him “in charge” of the
recipe. Giving children a specific responsibility makes them feel trusted and a part of the team. Giving your child choices, even simple ones, such as, which dinner vegetable to cook or what color the frosting should be, helps involve them more in the entire process and keeps the lines of communication open. And let us not leave out clean up. Tidying up after baking those chocolate chip cookies can be a wonderful way to instill a sense of completeness and ownership. Allow Jonny to sweep the floor or Lucy to dry a few stirring spoons. Let them know that the cleanup process is part and parcel of the whole activity. Grown-up Stuff: For the tasks which require “adults only,” simply explain to your little
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helper that everyone has jobs that are suitable. Without talking down to him, let him know that this is one job which you need to complete alone. Perhaps he can watch from a safe distance while you open the oven, cook the stir fry, or cut veggies with a sharp knife. Knowing that he’s still a novice, (and will only be permitted to help you as long as he adheres to the kitchen rules) may curtail any ideas he may have of trying to “help” when he’s not needed or when it is not safe for him to do so. Local Kids Cooking Classes: Kroger Chef Junior 564 Crosstown Dr in Peachtree City – May 6th and May 20th at 9am. As part of every experience, your child will receive these Kroger Chef Junior items: Apron, Chef’s Hat, Recipe Card & Box, Cooking Utensil, Patch. Each child will take home a recipe card that includes step-by-step instructions so that together, you can continue the experience at home with a made-from-scratch recipe! It’s a great way to foster a life-long love of cooking! Williams Sonoma - Baking for Mom -May 6th at 10am. Williams Sonoma can show kids how fun and easy cooking can be: Learn to make delicious recipes, from main courses to desserts and snacks, with plenty of tasting along the way. For specific times and more details:www.williams- Rewards: The best part of cooking with your child is the end product: seeing
and tasting the dishes you’ve both worked hard to create. But for your child, perhaps the most rewarding part is when she is handed the empty cake batter bowl and whisk to “clean” to her heart’s content. Regardless of what you create, bake or design, the memories you’ve cooked up together in your kitchen, whether they’re fancy or modest, are the memories which will be cherished forever. Get Cooking with Raddish Kids Family Cooking Club Membership www. So, what are you waiting for? Grab a cookbook and get inspired. Set aside an afternoon or an entire Saturday, just for you & your mini-chef. Get into the kitchen for some fun and a wonderful learning opportunity. You may even decide to sign up for some parent/child attended cooking classes for you to both enjoy. As far as learning and working together goes, it’s hard to beat cooking as a fantastic collaborative activity, which, in the very least, will create the recipe for a unique bonding experience.
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Cooking on the Campfire with Foil Packet Foods
Going camping or having a backyard cookout is a good time, but it frequently means junk food. All too often, people pack chips, canned beans, and a cooler full of cold cuts and cheese in their cooler. No one has to live on beans, sandwiches, and prepackaged snack foods. The easiest way to make some real food on a campfire is with foil packets. Simply wrapping foods in heavy duty aluminum foil and throwing them on hot coals sounds too good to be true, but it isn’t. The beauty of cooking in a foil packet is that you can add as much or as little of whatever you like, and it’s almost impossible to make something that isn’t delicious. It’s a sure fire way to guarantee that cooking on a campfire involves nutritious eating. Hobo Dinners Hobo dinners are a classic campfire meal. This foil packet dinner calls for ground beef, potatoes, onion, carrots, and green beans. Form the
ground beef into patties. Slice the potatoes and onions. Spray the foil lightly with cooking spray, and wrap the beef patty, potatoes, onions, and green beans. Some people like to add ketchup, tomato sauce, or cream of mushroom soup to the packet. Stick this packet into the edge of the fire for 20-30 minutes. Blueberry Orange Muffins For this tasty campfire treat, you’ll need about six oranges and a package of blueberry muffin mix that only requires the addition of water. Cut the tops off of the oranges and use a spoon to scoop out the fruit and eat it as you go, if you would like! Be careful not to puncture the skins. Mix the muffin mix with water and pour it into the orange skins leaving a little space to rise. Wrap each orange individually in foil, and poke holes in the top with a fork. Place the foil packets upright on hot coals, or near the edge of the campfire, and allow to cook for 10-
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and add butter. Top with crumbled bacon and sliced or shredded sharp cheddar cheese. Close the foil, and place on hot coals at the edge of the campfire for 20-30 minutes. Split Bananas A campfire version of the banana split, split bananas are especially fun for kids. Without peeling, slice a banana lengthwise, but not all the way through. Push the banana open to allow for the addition of toppings. Here’s where you and the kids can get creative. Anything can be added to a split banana. Try graham cracker crumbs, chocolate chips, marshmallows, candy-coated chocolate pieces, peanut butter, berries, or caramel. You could even try all of these things at once! Add whatever toppings you want, wrap the banana in foil, and heat it at the edge of the campfire for 5 minutes. Cooking food in foil packets around the campfire should be easy, and it should taste great. Get creative and change up these recipes however you’d like, or even create your own special recipes. Almost anything can be cooked in a foil packet on the campfire. Just remember to check poultry and pork temperatures. If you aren’t sure if your foil packet meal is done, pull it out of the fire and check it. Open the foil carefully to avoid burns. Above all else, have fun and eat well.
onions, broccoli, bell peppers, jalapenos; any vegetables work. Pick your favorites and chop them up into bite sized pieces. Lightly spray the foil with cooking spray, then layer with delicious veggies. Drizzle a bit of olive oil on the vegetables, or add some butter. Season with salt, pepper, and any other seasonings you might enjoy. Fold the packets closed and place them on hot coals for 20-25 minutes. Cheesy Bacon Potatoes This foil packet meal consists mainly of potatoes, bacon, butter, and cheese. Cook the bacon in a campfire skillet until crisp, then crumble it. Slice the potatoes thin. As with many campfire foil packet foods, lightly spray the foil with vegetable oil. Place the potatoes on the foil,
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Bubbles and Brushes
SUMMER ART CAMPS! Held every week all summer long!
$50 OFF a FULL DAY SUMMER CAMP ! Camps are 5 days long. Only one coupon per person per camp. Expires 8/1/17. Not valid with any other offers, discounts, or coupons, including member deals & early bird specials. JFF5/17
SUMMER CAMP ! Camps are 5 days long. Only one coupon per person per camp. Expires 8/1/17. Not valid with any other offers, discounts, or coupons, including member deals & early bird specials. JFF5/17
314B Newnan Crossing Bypass (678) 899-7035
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Music and Art Camps Starting June 5th! Beginning and advanced performance camps Recording Camp Electronic Production Camp and now... Digital Art Camps by Dillard Studios
770-486-5340 Visit: for camp details. Guitar - Bass - Drums - Piano - Voice - Sax - Recording
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WHETHER YOU ARE LOOKING TO BUY OR SELL... I will use the latest technologies, market research and business strategies to exceed your expectations. I look forward to truly listening to your needs and helping you with solutions tailored for you. - Stephan Curcio Building Relationships... ...One Home At A Time Winner of 2017 Fayette County Good Neighbor Award for charitable work in the community making our county a better place! In addition to being a full time Realtor® for Keller Williams Realty, Stephan Curcio is the founder of a local charitable organization called St. Nick’s Closet, which helps abused and neglected animals. Let Stephan help you make a di erence in your life and join him for "life" to make a di erence in the world.
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The Avenue, Peachtree City • Ashley Park, Newnan
to Businesses, Schools, Meetings & Events WE DELIVER
The Avenue, Peachtree City Ashley Park, Newnan Expires 6/30/17 $5.00OFF Cookie Cake 16”or Larger
$2.00OFF ANYBasket of Cookies The Avenue, Peachtree City Ashley Park, Newnan Expires 6/30/17
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May Events
Dress is Derby attire or business casual. Communities In Schools of Coweta County surrounds students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life. CIS of Coweta County was organized with a single mission in mind: to provide services and support to students struggling to remain in school and graduate. Fayette Celebrity Dancers May 6 Fayette Celebrity Dancers is a fundraising event for local Fayette County Charities in which local celebrities dance with local dance professionals in competition for your donations. The event is sponsored by the Fayette County Board of Realtors® and Rachel’s Dance Connection. Starr’s Mill High School 193 Panther Path, Fayetteville Second Sunday Fundays May 14 1 PM – 4 PM Everyone receives FREE admission to the Museum on the second Sunday of each month as part of Family Fun at the WoodruffArts Center! Enjoy special family-friendly programming. Family Fun at the WoodruffArts Center is sponsored by the Lettie Pate Evans Foundation, which is part of the family of foundations that also includes the Robert W. Woodruff Foundation. The Lettie Pate Evans Foundation is an independent private foundation that invests primarily in education, arts and culture. Keris Kares 5K & Fun Run May 13 7:30AM – 12 PM 5k and 1 Mile Fun Run with your favorite Princesses and Superheroes followed by a Family Fun Day with petting zoo, Princess and Superhero Meet and Greet, bounce houses and more! Located in Beautiful Downtown Newnan, GA.All proceeds benefit families facing a pediatric cancer diagnosis and providing spiritual support. 770-502-0200 - Downtown Newnan/Greenville St Park 1 North Court Square/Greenville St. Newnan, GA30263 For more info please visit 2017 Butler Lexus and Audi of South Atlanta Summer Concert Series Smash Mouth - May 13 8 PM Frederick Brown Jr.Amphitheater 201 McIntosh Trail Peachtree City, GA30269 770-631-0630 First EVER G.I.T. Fit~girls in training 5K May 13 G.I.T. Fit~girls in training is an after school club that promotes physical, emotional, and spiritual fitness in girls 4th-8th grades. We currently have clubs that meet at 5 schools in Fayette County and 1 in Coweta County, Ga. Each meeting, we run-working up to a 5K, make a healthy snack, and have a Bible devotional talk time. G.I.T. Fit is offered free to all girls.All proceeds from our first EVER 5K will go to continue these clubs and start more in the south metroATLarea. The 5K is at New Hope Baptist Church, North campus and is for all runners, boys and girls, young and old. For more information: 404-680-9752 New Hope Baptist Church, North campus
Peachtree City Farmer’s Market Wednesday & Saturdays 9 PM - 1 PM
Visit the Peachtree City Farmer’s Market at theAberdeen Village Shopping Center on Wednesday and Saturdays from 9:00 - 1:00. We have more than 40 farmers and artisans that come out each week offering the freshest produce, homemade breads, jams, jellies, local honey, grass fed meats, goat cheese and so much more.Aberdeen Village Shopping Center (in front of Partners Pizza), Peachtree City 404-401-4636 or Georgia Renaissance Festival Through June 4
Step inside the gates of Newcastle and find yourself transported back to 16th-century England! Our 32-acre village is filled with over 150 artisan craft shoppes, 10 stages of endless entertainment, wonderful pubs and taverns, plus food galore! You’ll laugh out loud at the antics of our costumed characters, try your skill at carnival games, and enjoy human-powered rides for kids of all ages. Did we mention food? Giant roasted turkey legs, fish and chips, hearty ales, mead and more - a feast fit for Royalty! It’s a full day of fun, food and entertainment for the whole family. 6905 Virlyn B Smith Rd, Fairburn, GA Screen on the Square May 5 8PM-10 PM The Screen on the Square Event takes place on South Court House Square in Downtown Newnan, where a family-friendly, animated film will be featured in a litter-free, smoke-free environment. The event is free to the public, and we welcome crowds of all ages! Families are encouraged to bring blankets to sit on and pack a picnic supper to enjoy during the event.Our delicious downtown eateries will provide boxed dinners during the event for anyone that would prefer to pick up dinner on the square. Call ahead to one of our downtown restaurants and have dinner ready upon your arrival! Church Basement Ladies at The Legacy Theatre through May 5 – May 7 Performances Fridays & Saturdays at 8:00pm; Saturdays & Sundays at 3:00pm Church Basement Ladies is an hilarious new musical celebrating the church basement kitchen and the women who work there. Lutheran ladies from rural Minnesota handle a record breaking Christmas dinner, the funeral of a dear friend, a Hawaiian Easter Fundraiser, and a steaming hot July wedding. They stave off potential disasters, share and debate recipes, instruct the young, and keep the Pastor on due course while thoroughly enjoying, (and tolerating) each other. Funny and down to earth, audiences will recognize these ladies as they begin to see the Church year unfold from below the House of God. The Legacy Theatre, 1175 Senoia Road, Suite C, Tyrone, GA (404) 895-1473 Communities In Schools’ Hats and Hooves Derby Affair May 6 5PM – 10PM One of the community’s most highly anticipated fundraisers of the year is the Communities in Schools of Coweta County Hats and Hooves DerbyAffair at the McRitchie-Hollis Museum, 74 Jackson St., Newnan. Tickets are $75 each, and they may be ordered by visiting the Communities In Schools website ( and clicking on the “Donate” button. Those attending will get to watch the Kentucky Derby live on big screens while enjoying food and beverages, a live band, silent auction, door prizes and lots of Derby-themed fun.
May Events
551 New Hope Rd. Fayetteville, GA30214 The South Metro Rose Society 32nd Annual Rose Show May 14-15th FREE to the public to see, smell, and photograph hundreds of exhibition roses and rose arrangements from 1-4 p.m. both 5/14 & 5/15. Rose bouquets for sale, Information Table staffed by Consulting Rosarians, and wonderful raffle prizes including restaurant and garden center gift cards, gardening equipment, books, and more! Local rose growers are invited to enter their roses for judging at the show site before 9:30 a.m. on 5/14. Contact 770-631-3885 for more information on showing roses or just visiting the show. We’d love to have you!miniature and large rose bushes, Barnel pruners, custom-blended fertilizers, and more. For more information call 770-631-3885. Fayetteville Church of Christ fellowship Hall, 870 Redwine Rd. Touch-a-Truck at The Avenue May 18 5 PM – 8 PM WHY JUSTTOUCHATRUCK WHEN YOU CAN CLIMB INSIDE? A fun, free, hands-on opportunity for children to meet local emergency responders and learn more about their amazing vehicles. This is a free event, donations benefiting HeroBox. 770-486-6587 - TheAvenue Peachtree City 239 City Circle Peachtree City, GA30269 Coweta County Cattlemen’s Association, Inc.’s RODEO May 19 & May 20 8:00 PM Gates open at 6pm The rodeo will include bull riding, calf roping, saddle bronc riding, bareback bronc riding, team roping, steer wrestling and barrel racing. The athletes are professional cowboys and professional rodeo clowns will provide entertainment. Vendors will be on the grounds featuring western wear and tack. Friday, May 19 is “kid’s Night” children 4-12 in for half price! Saturday, May 20, is Tough Enough to Wear Pink, show your support and show your pink! Coweta County Fairgrounds, 275 Pine Rd. Newnan Tucked Away Music Day May 20 2 PM – 6 PM Tucked away Music Day will be held on Saturday May 20th from 2-6pm. We will be hosting many different cover bands with different genres of music. Kick of the Summer with us in Downtown Newnan! Free parking is available along downtown streets, and in the City of Newnan’s public parking lots, located at: 13 Lagrange Street, 25 Lagrange Street, 22 Spring Street, 6 First Avenue, 50 East Broad Street, 65 East Broad Street, 41 East Washington Street, and 22 East Broad Street. Reptile Day at Panola Mountain May 20 10AM to 3 PM Are you in love with lizards? Silly for snakes? Head-over-heels for herpetofauna? Or maybe you just think they’re neat. Learn about and meet fascinating reptiles from our own backyards and around the world. Meet specialists and members of the Georgia Reptile Society and Georgia Herpetological Society. Kids under 3 are free. Don’t forget to try harnessed-in tree climbing (only $5 for this special experience) and explore the park while you’re here. There will also be games, face painting, and more! Friends of Panola Mountain will be selling lunch and donations are always appreciated.
Admission: $5. Kids 3 and under are free. Parking fee: $5 Event Phone: 770-389-7801 - Panola Mountain State Park 2620 Highway 155 SW. Stockbridge, GA30281 8th Annual All American 5K/10K Run & Walk May 27 8AM
8thAllAmerican 5k and 10K (new). The race starts and finishes at Frederick Brown Amphitheatre and is sponsored by the Peachtree City Running Club. The event benefits all of our veterans –American Legion Post 50. This year’s race will have a high tech T-shirt and be limited to the first 500 entries. Please join us in honoringAll of our Veterans by running, walking, or being a Phantom Runner by donating $25 or more to theAmerican Legion Post 50.All entrants receive a high tech shirt for their participation.All tee shirts must be picked up race morning by 8:00 a.m. Frederick Brown, Jr.Amphitheater, 191 McIntosh Trail, Peachtree City Senoia’s annual Memorial Day Celebration and Parade May 29 10 am – 5pm Bring your family for a fun day of patriotic celebration to Senoia’s 10th annual Memorial Day Remembrance & Festival. Entertainment begins the program at 10 a.m. on Monday, May 29, 2017. There will be an assortment of antiques, crafts and food. Patriotic program begins at 12 noon. The parade featuring the 116thArmy Band begins at 2 p.m. There will be a moment of silence at 3 p.m. and a mini concert by the band. End the day with a fireworks display at dark at Marimac Lakes. The festival honors veterans, and is sponsored by the Senoia Downtown Development Authority.The festival honors veterans, and is sponsored by the Senoia Downtown DevelopmentAuthority. Robin Hood at Serenbe Playhouse A New Adaptation by Rachel Teagle June 2 –August 13 No tale could be more suited for REBELLION than that of Robin Hood, the story of a renegade knight who abandons his life of comfort for that of an outlaw. But Robin Hood’s defection is not in the name of recklessness — he’s a man of the people who steals from the rich and gives to the poor.Alongside his band of Merry Men, our hero also chases romance with the lovely Maid Marian. In this new adaptation by Serenbe collaborator Rachel Teagle and under the direction of Broadway’s Paul McGill, characters will fly through Serenbe’s magnificent forest on a zip line, redistributing wealth as they go! 10496 Serenbe Lane, Chattahoochee Hills JOHN MICHAEL MONTGOMERY Southern GroundAmphitheater June 3 8 PM County superstar throughout the 1990’s. Hits include “I Swear”, “Sold”, and “The Little Girl”. 301 LaFayetteAve. Fayetteville, GA30214 Call 770-719-4173 for information Summer Track Classic Series Wednesday evenings on June 7, 14, 21, 28. Join us for this traditional favorite – a low-key, all-fun event at Riley Field adjacent to PTC Elementary School. Registration starts at 6 PM with the first event at 6:30.As always, we need volunteers each week. This is a great way to get in your three volunteer requirements for the 1000 Mile Jacket!!
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Threlkeld Academy of Music and Arts offers private lessons in piano, voice, guitar, percussion, violin, saxophone, flute, cello, and brass instruments. We Proudly Offer: Private and group lessons year round, instrument rentals and method book sales We are Excited for our Upcoming Programs: Preschool Program Begins May 1, 2017 Summer Band Program $25 registration fee See website for details 213 Jeff Davis Pl. #101 • Fayetteville, GA 30214 • 770-731-0426
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678-493-5651 Complete registration online! Followuson St. Paul Lutheran School Peachtree City
V 23
To advertise call 678-654-4111
MAY 29-AUGUST 4; Ages 6-13; Field Trips
Session I: May 29-June 9 th Session II: June 12-June 23 Session III: June 26-July 7 Session IV: July 10-July 21 Session V: July 24-August 4
Featured STEAM Sessions include: CSI: Forensics You Be the Chemist Young Ecologist Program Media/Film Robotics & Coding
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Each week of our 10-week summer camp series, campers can explore hidden talents, potential passions and intriguing interests as they go on a quest to make the best discovery imaginable - what it is they truly love.
Accepting registration for the upcoming 2017-2018 GA Pre-K program.
FREE , REGISTRATION Plus Special Rates for Summer Camp Offer good until June 1, 2017.
3025 Sharpsburg-McCollum Rd Newnan, GA 30265 770-502-1777
To advertise call 678-654-4111
State Of The Art Laser Facility
Get Renewed, Summer Ready Skin! Laser Treatments and Anti-Aging Facials & Peels Providing the highest quality service for your cosmetic needs. For more than 12 years, we have been providing you with access to the latest in laser technologies and energy based therapies. We appreciate the opportunity to help you feel and look the best you have ever felt.
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For a free consultation, call 678 619-4632 today. • Remove Unsightly Pigmentation • Repair Sun Spots/Damaged Skin • Remove Spider Veins • Hair Removal - All Types, Men & Women • Scars & Stretch Marks • Warts - Regular & Plantar • Botox, Sysport & Xeomin Injections • 5 Year Dermal Filler - Bellafill Dermal Fillers Lasting 12 to 18 Months
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Introducing Kelly Meikle, L.E. Kelly is a licensed medical Esthetician and licensed Laser Practitioner. She has worked with prominent Dermatologists and Plastic Surgeons in the area for 10 years. She splits her time between working in Atlanta at Buckhead Facial Plastic Surgeon and Laser Regeneration right here in Tyone!
NO DOWNTIME FOR MOST TREATMENTS! Laser Regeneration 40 Carriage Oak Drive in Tyrone
Call for our May Specials!
CALL TODAY: (678) 619-4632
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FREE 5” GUTTERS WITH PURCHASE OF ANY NEW ROOF Mustbe presented at time of estimate Cannot be combinedwith other offers or discounts.Offer expires 4/30/17.
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Professional Roofing And Gutter Experts In all aspects of roofing from choosing the appropriate material, to installation, repairs and even complete replacement.
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Register to WIN $100 Gift Card! Simply sign up for our Sale Mail: or stop by Smith & Davis to Register for Sale Mail Two $100 Gift Cards given away each month!
To advertise call 678-654-4111
Just 4 Families Digest 312 Crosstown Road, Suite 162 Peachtree City, GA 30269
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