
You might be a perfectionist if . . . you are constantly critical of other people. When Robert Fulton introduced his new invention, the steamboat, critics lined the river bank hollering, “It’ll never start, it’ll never start.” Fulton proved them wrong.After much clanking, churning, and groaning, the boat began to move down the river.Though momentarily quiet, the critics soon rallied, yelling, “It’ll never stop, it’ll never stop.” 96 The Pharisees of Jesus’ day are obvious examples of perfec- tionists. In a celebration after the call of Matthew as a disciple, they said, “Why is your teacher eating with tax collectors and sinners?” (Matthew 9:11).They also accused Him of being a glutton and drunkard (see Matthew 11:19). I’ve come to realize critical people are really only exposing their own inferiority and inadequacy, often pinpointing what they struggle with the most. You might be a perfectionist if . . .you’re never satisfied. This is the person obsessed with accomplishment rather than pos- sessed with acceptance.They set unattainable goals for themselves and get frustrated because they can’t reach them. In the parable of the rich fool, Jesus told of a wealthy farmer whose harvest was so good he ran out of room to store the grain. Sadly, instead of giving back to God and sharing with those in need, he decided to tear down his barns and build bigger ones – a decision he would quickly regret (see Luke 12:16-21).When a very rich man was asked how many millions was enough, he replied, “The next one.”When a huge land owner was asked how much ground he wanted, he said, “All that joins mine.” Sounds like a little greed mixed in as well. You might be a perfectionist if . . . you feel guilty whenever you sit down to relax. This is the person who judges success in life strictly by what they’ve accomplished, proudly proclaiming, “I don’t let any grass grow under my feet.” Martha, friend of Jesus and sister of Mary likely struggled with this. She chose to stay busy in the


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