
kitchen rather than enjoying the presence of the Lord along with her sister – and then fussed about it (see Luke 10:38-42). When you ask a perfectionist how they’ve been, they’re liable to say, “busy, busy, busy . . . my calendar is full . . .never can get caught up you know.” Doing, rather than being, defines them. You might be a perfectionist if . . . you can’t take a com- pliment or accept criticism. A perfectionist struggles with praise either because they think you’re flattering them or otherwise don’t feel worthy of your compliment.Whereas no one enjoys criticism, the perfectionist is especially offended by it. Again, the Pharisees come to mind. In another parable, Jesus told about murderous farm hands who killed the land owner’s son. Realizing it was them Jesus was referring to, they thought of seiz- ing him, but decided otherwise because they feared the people (see Mark 12:1-11). I must say criticism often brings out latent perfection tenden- cies in me. Rather than see it as a test and opportunity for growth, I too often get offended and defensive. You might be a perfectionist if . . . you feel like what you do is never good enough. This could describe Moses. Called by God to help confront Pharaoh and free the Israelites from Egyp- tian bondage, he responded with excuses such as, “Who am I that I should go, I don’t speak well,” and “what if they don’t believe me” (see Exodus 4, 5). John Quincy Adams held more influential positions than anyone in the history of the U.S. In addition to being the sixth President, he was a senator, congressman, minister to major Euro- pean powers, and was involved in various capacities in the American Revolution, theWar of 1812, and even events leading up to the Civil War. Nevertheless, with all these accomplishments to his credit,Ad- ams, at 70, said, “My whole life has been a succession of disappoint- ments. I can scarcely recollect a single instance of success in anything I ever undertook.” 97 I certainly can’t speculate with any authority on


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