
boss to Israel to get healed by the prophet.As a result, “Elisha sent a messenger to him saying, ‘Go and wash in the Jordan seven times, and your flesh will be restored to you and you will be clean,’” (2 Kings 5:10). Rather than following directions and finding healing, Namaan walked away in rage. No doubt, he expected some abracadabra action from Elisha himself rather than a simple solution from his messenger. On top of that, he thought the rivers in his home land far exceeded anything the Jordan could offer. Were it not for wise words from his servants, Namaan would have allowed ignorance and arrogance to keep him from being healed. Sadly, people have acted just like Namaan throughout history. They’ve let piddling little hurts and offenses drive them away from church and keep them from enjoying fruitful relationships. This is so common in my “Bible Belt” neck of the woods that I rarely call non-attenders unchurched, referring to them as de-churched instead.They have a church background and probably attended regularly at one time.Yet they either rarely or never attend now, many still nursing old wounds they’ve received.This group constitutes a huge mission field.The church’s task is to lavish on them God’s love by tearing down walls and reestablishing trust. Finally, anger will stifle your opportunities, often para- lyzing your spiritual growth and productivity.Twice in one verse we learn that Jonah went out from the city of Nineveh and “sat” (Jonah 4:5).When God sent a worm to destroy the shady plant, the rebel- lious prophet begged again for God to take his life, voicing these closing words, “I have good reason to be angry, even unto death” (Jonah 4:9). Oh, the tragedy of what could have been.Were his atti- tude different, perhaps Jonah could have continued on in productive ministry, experiencing other such movements of the Lord. Instead, we find no additional information regarding his ministry. Anger and impatience triggered a major missed opportunity in the life of Moses.Wandering in the wilderness en route to the


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