
sion of apathy. “Why apathy,” one might ask, “when you just spent an entire chapter on boredom?” Because, as with anger/bitterness and fear/worry, boredom/apathy are similar but not the same.Typically a bored person is looking for something to do.An apathetic person, on the other hand, knows what to do but doesn’t feel like doing it. The latter describes the emotional state of one of the two main characters found in our central text for this chapter, Song of Solomon 5:2-8. On the surface, this unique book by King Solomon records in great detail a romantic relationship between a Shunamite girl and her shepherd lover. Digging deeper, we find it symbolical- ly depicts the oft compromised connection between God and the Israelites, as well as Christ (the Groom) and His church (the Bride). Generally speaking, it is a story of purity and devotion. The first four chapters of Son of Solomon describe a beau- tiful, poetic, romantic, love-laden relationship.Yet, as chapter five unfolds, trouble creeps in, as indicated by the woman’s untimely slumber : “I was asleep but my heart was awake” (Song of Solomon 5:2). Had things gone too well for too long for the woman? Had she begun taking her lover for granted? Whatever the case, her sleep symbolizes the spiritual state of people throughout the ages. Jesus presented a parable about ten virgins who took lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five were prudent and took extra oil.The other five were foolish and did not. Because the bridegroom was delayed, they all got drowsy and fell asleep.When the bridegroom showed up at midnight, they all awoke and trimmed their lamps. Unfortunately, the five foolish ones ran out of oil and subsequently missed the wedding feast (see Matthew 25:1-13). The foolish five represent millions of people over time who have missed their opportunity to join Jesus at the ultimate wedding feast (see Revelation 19:9) and will therefore spend eternity in hell, sepa- rated from Him. Fortunately for the woman, it wasn’t too late to make things right. Her opportunity arose when her beloved appeared at her door


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