Microsoft Word - Auria Hourly Handbook December 2021 - FINA

 Any employee may see the Human Resources Manager or their designee at any time by request.  If an employee is not satisfied after discussing an issue with appropriate supervision and/or the Human Resources Manager, they may request that the Human Resources Manager arrange an interview with the Location/Plant Manager. The Open Door Policy is actively supported by management and utilized by all employees. This procedure is for use “at will” by all employees and should be used without fear of reprisal.

All employees should be informed about the Open Door Policy and procedure through employee orientation and this handbook.


1. All newly hired AURIA employees are subject to a ninety (90) day Introductory Period to ensure that they are qualified to perform the job into which they have been hired. This period is designed to foster mutual understanding of expectations, work rules and performance objectives. Successful completion of the introductory period does not alter the at-will nature of employment.

2. An employee on leave of absence for more than twenty-six (26) weeks shall be terminated and if rehired will have the status of a new hire.


The AURIA Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (the "Code of Conduct") is a critical component of the Company’s overall Compliance Program. The Code was developed to ensure AURIA meets the highest ethical standards and comply with applicable laws and regulations wherever it does business. This Code provides guidance to all AURIA employees and assists them in carrying out their daily activities within appropriate ethical and legal standards. These obligations apply to relationships with suppliers, subcontractors, independent contractors, vendors, consultants, and one another. AURIA’s mission and value statements clearly commit the Company and its employees to treating these and all individuals with respect and dignity. The AURIA Code is the code by which the Company puts those values into practice. AURIA encourages all its employees to read this Code (it can be found in full in Appendix A at the end of this handbook), then read it again, and remember that as our Company evolves, the AURIA Code will evolve as well. Each AURIA employee has a personal responsibility to incorporate, and to encourage others to incorporate these principles into how we conduct our business. Please go to your Human Resources Department if you would like a copy of the Code of Conduct or need assistance in understanding and utilizing the complaint procedure included in the Code.


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