Microsoft Word - Auria Hourly Handbook December 2021 - FINA

Passwords must be disclosed to the appropriate officer upon request. Users are prohibited from using programs or devices to bypass or disable any security measures anywhere on the network.

Refer to AURIA’s Information Security Policy which pertains to all employees with access to computers and the expectation that all employees must comply with this policy.


As a manufacturing facility, Auria understands the need for its employees to have a dress code that incorporates flexibility, is appropriate to the employees work-station and supports employee safety. Employees are expected, at all times, to present a professional, businesslike image to customers (whether internal or external), prospects and the public. Acceptable personal appearance is an ongoing requirement of employment with the Company. Offensive slogans or designs on clothing are not permitted. Questions concerning the specific requirements of the dress code policy should be directed to a Supervisor, facility Human Resources Manager. A detailed Dress Code Policy can be obtained from the local Human Resources department. 1. Policy Statement It is the policy of AURIA Solutions Group North America, Inc. ("AURIA" or the "Company") to provide a working environment that is free from violent acts or threats of violence. Violence in the workplace may occur between one employee and another, or between a member of the public and an employee. Such acts or threats of violence by physical acts, words, gestures, or symbols are entirely unacceptable and violate the Company’s policy. Every employee is required to report acts or threats of violence of which they are aware. Notwithstanding any state or federal mandates in the state in which your facility is located, the Company adopts a zero-tolerance policy for weapons, violence, and threats of violence in the workplace. This means that employees are prohibited from carrying weapons and engaging in or threatening acts of violence in the course of their employment. 2. Definitions A “weapon” includes, but is not limited to, any of the following: a firearm, including a BB gun, whether loaded or unloaded; any knife, including a switchblade or other knife having an automatic spring release device with a blade length greater than 3 inches; any police type baton or night stick; any martial arts weapon; and any electronic defense weapon. “Threats or acts of violence” are defined as any threatening behavior, acts of violence or any related conduct which disrupts another’s work performance or the organization’s business purpose. J. WORKPLACE VIOLENCE AND WEAPONS POLICY


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