Microsoft Word - Auria Hourly Handbook December 2021 - FINA
12.Smoke only in authorized areas. 13.Horseplay on the job can result in serious injury and is no laughing matter. Foolishness and improper behavior in the workplace may be cause for disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. 14. Learn the location of fire exits, emergency evacuation routes and emergency response equipment. 15.Participate in safety meetings, inspections and accident investigations. Provide safety suggestions to your supervisor.
All work-related accidents, injuries or illnesses must be reported to your supervisor immediately. Employees will be provided with prompt professional medical services whenever necessary. Failure to report injuries may cause medical difficulties and could affect your Workers’ Compensation benefits. Report all job-related injuries, illnesses or near misses no matter how slight. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.
AURIA is responsible for training all current powered industrial truck drivers and any future drivers prior to operating vehicles; no one is to operate a PIT without a proper license. It is prohibited to operate any personal electronic device while operating a PIT. The speed limit for powered industrial trucks on all AURIA property shall not exceed the posted speed limit. Proper seat belt usage is mandatory. The above requirements apply to all employees, visitors, outside contractors and delivery personnel.
Employees are expected to follow all pedestrian safety guidelines, to include, keeping a safe distance of 3 feet when PIT parking brake is disengaged.
All employees will be issued standardized identification badges. Employees must wear their ID badges during all work hours. You must not scan anyone else’s badge nor allow anyone to scan your badge for you.
All visitors will be issued a “visitor” badge that must be worn at all times.
E. Personal Electronic Devices
Use of personal electronic devices while on company time is only permitted during breaks in a non-production area.
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