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character was above reproach. They represent honest, respect- able, tax-paying citizens who frequented the synagogue and greeted folks on the city square. Moving ahead to the 21 st Century, these virgins represent the mass of professing believers throughout the world, includ- ing the hundreds of millions who attend the estimated 400,000 churches throughout the United States. I’ve heard believers described as “good Christian people.” They might drive a few miles over the speed limit or tell a little white lie now and then, yet you’d never find their names in the police report section of the newspaper.They, like the ten char- acters in our story, live with good intentions. We know that about the virgins because “They went out to meet the bridegroom” (Matthew 25:1). Surely, they relished the fact they were a part of the wedding party, desiring to celebrate the occasion to its fullest extent. Likewise, even in this fallen world, most people live with good intentions. An overwhelming majority of folks want to go to work, feed their families, live in safe surroundings, and enjoy a little entertainment and relaxation now and then. Many of these people would say all is good between themselves and “the Man upstairs.” If you asked them if they were going to heaven they’d say “I think so,” often basing their answer on good deeds rather than God’s grace. Nearly every- one believes there’s a God, yet when you go a step further and ask them if they have a personal, saving relationship with Jesus, the numbers drop dramatically. When questioned if they’re ready to receive Christ, many will say. “Not now, but I intend to someday.”Tragically, for some of those, someday never comes. And as one of my old bosses from my life long ago used to say, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”


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