FromNowUntilForeverBook8.5x5.5 REV.indd
All ten virgins in the parable had good intentions, and yet they made different preparation, as you can see below: “ Five were foolish” because “they took no oil with them (Matthew 25:3) ” on their journey to meet the bridegroom. Oil from the olive tree was a key product for life in biblical times, especially for cooking and lighting purposes. Spiritually speaking, oil symbolizes the presence of the Spirit. In the Tabernacle, oil was used to keep the lampstand burning in the Holy Place, since no natural light was allowed there. (Exodus 25:31). David was anointed with oil by Samuel as Saul’s successor (1 Samuel 16:13). Jesus, anointed by the Spirit, preached in His hometown synagogue. (Luke 4:18). These are just a few of the multiple spiritual references to oil in the Bible. Scripture says, “There is precious treasure and oil in the dwell- ing of the wise” (Proverbs 21:20). Sadly, five carried no extra oil with them, a mistake which personifies the unfortunate masses that go through life without making proper provision for the future. A young Italian boy knocked at the door of an artist’s studio in Rome.When it was opened, he explained, “Please, madam, will you give me the master’s brush?”The painter had died and the boy longed to be an artist with the great master’s touch. The lady placed the brush in the youth’s hand, saying, “This is his brush; try it, my boy.”With a flush of earnestness on his face he made a supreme effort, but soon found he could paint no better with it than with his own. The lady then said, “Remember, my child, you cannot paint like the great master unless you have his spirit.” 40 Likewise, those who have never been born again are doomed to disappointment and failure when they attempt to use the brush of faith on the canvas of life without the indwell-
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