ROUSES_Winter2023_Magazine Pages-web

Contributors DAVID W. BROWN

Creative Director & Editor Marcy Nathan

David W. Brown is a freelance writer whose work appears in The Atlantic , The New York Times , Scientific American and The New Yorker . His most recent book, The Mission: A True Story , a rollicking adventure about a motley band of explorers on a quest to find oceans on Europa, is in bookstores now. Brown lives in New Orleans. Susan Langenhennig Granger is editor of Preservation in Print magazine and director of communications and marketing for the Preservation Resource Center in New Orleans. Prior to that she was a news editor, reporter and feature columnist for The Times-Picayune and LIZ THORPE Liz Thorpe is a world-class cheese expert. A Yale graduate, she left a “normal” job in 2002 to work the counter at New York’s famed Murray’s Cheese. She is the founder of The People’s Cheese, and author of The Book of Cheese: The Essential Guide to Discovering Cheeses You’ll Love and The Cheese Chronicles . POPPY TOOKER Poppy Tooker is a native New Orleanian who has spent her life immersed in the vibrant colors and flavors of her state. Poppy spreads her message statewide and beyond via her NPR-affiliated radio show and podcast, “Louisiana Eats!” MICHAEL W. TWITTY Michael W. Twitty is the winner of two James Beard Awards for The Cooking Gene , as well as Rice by UNC Press. His latest book, Koshersoul: The Food and Faith Journey of an African American Jew , won the Jewish National Council’s National Jewish Book Award for the 2022 book of the year. SUSAN LANGENHENNIG GRANGER

Art Director & Design Eliza Schulze

Illustrator Kacie Galtier

Designer Mary Ann Florey

Marketing Coordinator Harley Breaux

Copy Editor Patti Stallard

Advertising & Marketing ron bonacci Tim Acosta Amanda Kennedy Stephanie Hopkins

Nancy Besson Taryn Clement Peyton finch

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Cover photo by Romney Caruso



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