SmartWorks | page 8 Aconversation with Dr. John Green Executive director, Carrollton/Carroll County Community Centered Education Collaborative
University ofWest Georgia President Dr. Kyle Marrero (left) interacts with Carroll County Chamber President/CEO Daniel Jackson (center) and CCEC Executive Director Dr. John Green. A unique aspect of the CCEC is the structure of the executive committee that brings these three to the table with the president ofWest Georgia Technical College, the superintendents of Carroll County Schools and Carrollton City Schools, the head of school of Oak Mountain Academy, and business/community leaders.
W hat is the Community Centered Education Collaborative (CCEC)? Civic, community and educational leaders of the Carrollton/Carroll County community came together during 2014 to form a partnership to help more students be prepared for college and work. This group of visionary leaders believed that by working together rather than in their respective institutional silos, more students could be successful. The initiative is led by the president of the University of West Georgia, the president
I was naturally drawn to this initiative since my passion and experiences are consistent with team approaches for student success. My experiences with K-12 initiatives, student leadership programs, advanced academics for all students, and community developed academic programs were well aligned with the vision of the CCEC.
of West Georgia Technical College, the superintendents of Carroll County Schools and Carrollton City Schools, the head of school of Oak Mountain Academy and the president of the Carroll Chamber. H ow did you get involved in this program?
Dr. John Green brings over 32 years of successful educational leadership as a teacher, coach, principal, district administrator, and superintendent to the CCEC. Named the 2008 Georgia Educator of theYear, he has improved student performance or coached andmentored others to do so in a variety of roles. The College Board, the Georgia Leadership Institute for School Improvement, Growing Leaders Inc., and numerous educational, civic and leadership groups are just a few of the organizations that have sought Dr. Green’s insights. About Dr. John Green
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