SmartWorks | page 9
W hat are the goals of the CCEC? The broad goal for the CCEC is to close the gap for college attainment for increased numbers of students. To reach this goal we will work to have a collective impact on the success of all students in a K-16 approach; we will promote career pathways and access to post-secondary education; we will focus on all students graduating from high school and being prepared to enter the workforce or college.
H ow do you envision meeting these goals? We will develop strategies to improve and increase opportunities for students; to coordinate support and inter ventions for individual students through our expanded P-16 network; to share performance data with all stakeholders; and to communicate effectively with all partners in this effort.
W hat are your expectations for the process in the next two years? I believe commitment to collective impact will resonate throughout the community. I believe we will see some immediate results just through increasing awareness of the many support programs already in place. By implementing a few proven practices at critical stages of student development we will also improve the experience of each child from birth to the workplace.
Scott Cowart Superintendent, Carroll County School System
Paula Gillispie
Steve Daniel President, West Georgia Technical College
Dr. Kyle Marrero President, University of West Georgia
Dr. Kent Edwards Superintendent, Carrollton City Schools
Daniel Jackson
Head of School, Oak Mountain Academy
President/CEO, Carroll County Chamber of Commerce/ Carroll Tomorrow
Re-elect TERRY LANGLEY Sheriff Carroll County
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