
Team PT Dr. Natalie Witte

Dr. Witte is a Primary Care Sports Medicine physician, board certified in both Family and Sports Medicine. She was born near St. Louis, Missouri where she graduated Vale dictorian and Scholar Athlete from West County High School in Leadwood, Missouri. From high school, she went straight into medical school, in a combined BA/MD program at University of Missouri- Kansas City School of Medicine. Following medical school, she completed her family medicine residency at Barberton Citizens’ Hospital in Bar berton, Ohio, where she served as Chief Resident. After residency, Dr. Witte completed

her Primary Care Sports Medicine Fellowship at the renowned Cleveland Clinic, where she provided team coverage for multiple sports teams, including the NBA Cleveland Cavaliers and NFL Cleveland Browns. She served as Team Physician in Arizona for 14 years for both high school and college level athletes. Dr. Witte works at Pediatric Ortho pedic Assoc/NextLevel Sports and will be starting her fifth year serving as Team Physician for the South Paulding Spartans. It has been an honoring helping to keep all athletes playing safely and at the top of their game.

Athletic Trainer Kaitlyn Camp

Kaitlyn Camp was born and raised in Powder Springs, Georgia. She graduated from Hiram High School and went on to attend Young Harris College to play softball for two years then transferred to Georgia College in Milledgeville, Georgia where she received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Athletic Training with a minor in Physical Education. She has recently received her Masters in Science from the University of South Florida through the Post-Professional Athletic training program in May of 2021. Kaitlyn has always had a passion for the medical field and athletics. She realized she wanted to go

into Athletic training at an early age and started as a student athletic training aid in high school. She also spent a lot of time in the training room herself as she was a three season athlete throughout high school. She is passion ate about all the athletes that she has served throughout her seven years with PT Solutions. She started with PT Solutions as an intern and once she became certified started at New Manchester High School in Douglasville, Geor gia in 2015 as their first Athletic Trainer, then transferred to South Paulding High School in January 2017 and still continues to serve our Spartan community for going on five years. Kaitlyn was also a recipient of the 2016 Unstop pable Award. In her free time, she loves to spend time with family and friends. She loves to spend time relaxing by a pool or at a beach. Kaitlyn is married to Jake Camp who also recently became the Head Boys Soccer Coach at South Pauld ing High School. They are both really excited about getting the chance to work together on the same sideline and serve their community together which they call home. Kaitlyn and Jake have a fur baby named Kaiser who loves to keep them busy and on their toes.

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