

STEVE BARNETTE Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year! I want to thank you for all the support you provide our schools and the students of Paulding County. I would also like to thank our athletes, coaches, boosters, and families for their commitment to our extracurricular programs. Through extracurricular athletics our students have

a platform where they can demonstrate their skills and talents, and in many ways the life lessons they gain, and the bonds they form, are a perfect complement to the academic instruction they receive in the classroom. The vision of the Paulding County School District is to “Prepare students for success, today and tomorrow,” and extracurricular activities are a vital component of that preparation. Studies have shown that students who learn the lessons of competition along with the structure and discipline of being part of a team, often have a head start on attaining success later in life. Extracurricular activities also help build a sense of community and can play a major role in the culture of a school. Good sportsmanship is a combination of responsibilities, attitudes, and behaviors that demon strate respect, integrity, and fairness in sports and competition. Here are a few reminders on responsibilities and respect. Responsibility. Acknowledge mistakes and take responsibility for your actions, whether positive or negative. Encourage and support teammates, understanding that individual success is tied to the success of the team. Lead by example, inspiring others with your dedication, hard work, and sportsmanship both on and off the field. A good sportsman represents their school in a positive light, understanding that their actions on and off the field reflect on the institution they belong to. Prioritize the safety of all participants and avoid overly aggressive or reckless behavior that may lead to injury. Respect. Show respect toward your opponent regardless of the outcome of the competition. Display humility in victory, avoiding excessive celebration or gloating. Similarly, show resilience and dignity in defeat, accept the results with composure and as a learning opportunity. Respect the authority of coaches and officials, communicating disagreements with civility. Respect the rules and adhere to the spirit of the game. Never cheat, intentionally break the rules, or try to gain an unfair advantage over your opponent. Thank you again for your support, and I hope that all our students and their families have a wonderful 2023-2024 school year!


Steve Barnette Superintendent

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