
And while it’s true that Ahab’s repentance was no doubt shallow and led to little change of behavior, the Lord was moved by it. He said to Elijah, “Have you noticed how Ahab has humbled himself because of me? Because he has humbled himself, I will not bring this disaster in his day, but I will bring it on his house in the days of his son” (1 Kings 21:29). Actually, retribution for Ahab came soon when an enemy arrow pierced through a joint in his armor as Israel and Judah bat tled Ramoath-gilead (1 KIngs 22:34). Jezebel later died after being thrown to the ground from a high window (2 Kings 9:33). In both instances, Elijah’s prophecy was fulfilled as dogs licked the blood of Ahab and ate the flesh of Jezebel. Such punishment may sound a bit extreme, and yet it proves how protective God is of His plans and people. It also shows just how destructive sin can be. As the half brother of Jesus wrote cen turies after the downfall of Ahab and Jezebel, “Let no one say when he is tempted,‘I am being tempted by God;’ for God cannot be tempted by evil, and He himself does not tempt anyone, But each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust.Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death. Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren” (James 1:13-15). If I sound a little preachy and over the top, it’s because I’ve fought many battles in this area over the years, especially in the arena of covetousness. Social media, especially Facebook, helpful though it can be, often exacerbates the problem. In his essay “TheWindow,” G.W.Target tells about two extremely ill men who occupied the same hospital room. Nurses propped up the patient closest to the window for an hour each day to drain fluid from his lungs.The other man spent the entire time flat on his back. As the days went by, the men passed the time talking about


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