
a whole range of subjects. During the hour he was propped up, the patient by the window would describe in detail what he saw outside: two young lovers holding hands, walking in the park; children on the playground; a lovely lake and majestic trees. Even a parade passed by one day. After a while, the patient away from the window became agitated, thinking, it isn’t fair that HE gets in on all this and I’m missing out. Soon, the window patient developed a worsening cough. It got so bad one night that he began to choke. He desperately but unsuccessfully looked for the button to call the nurse.The covet ous roommate could have called from his bed, but chose instead to watch the man die. The nurse came in early the next morning and discovered the deceased patient.After the body was taken away, the surviv ing man asked to be moved by the window.After all, he’d been in the hospital for a long time and it was his turn.When the nurses made the switch, the man slowly and painfully propped himself up to see what he had been missing. Shocked and disappointed, he discovered the window looked out to a blank wall. Joy, fulfillment, and contentment are never found on the road of covetousness.


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