Microsoft Word - Auria Hourly Handbook November 2021 - FINA
Important information that you need will be posted on the Company bulletin board(s). Employees may not post or remove items from bulletin board(s) without authorization from management. Employees are expected to check the bulletin board(s) on a regular basis for pertinent information. It is a violation of Company policy for any employee to place any marks or graffiti on any notice posted or on the bulletin board(s).
It is the policy of the Company to pay a full-time employee who loses time or days which he or she is regularly scheduled to work as the result of a death in the immediate family member. Up to three workdays may be provided to the employee, ending on the day of the funeral or the day after the funeral. 1. ELIGIBILITY Employees who are absent due to a death of a member of the immediate family will be eligible for bereavement pay if they have notified their supervisor as to the nature of their absence. The Company may require verification of the death, such as a death certificate, obituary notice or documentation from the funeral home. 2. PROCEDURE a. Immediate family is defined as mother, father, brother, sister, spouse, child (including step-child), son-in-law, daughter-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law, first generation grandparent and grandchild. Step-father, step-mother, step-sister and step-brother may be considered immediate family if the employee was raised by the step person in the same household. b. Time lost from work due to other family members’ death including, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, great-grandparent, and great-grandchild will receive one day off with pay to attend the funeral. Time lost from work due to other family members death including, first generation aunt, uncle, cousin, nephew or niece, will receive one day off without pay to attend the funeral. c. Hours paid for bereavement leave will not be counted in computing eligibility for overtime. d. If an employee is on a scheduled vacation and would have been scheduled to work and a death in the immediate family occurs during the vacation period, Monday thru Friday, the employee will be paid in accordance with the above provisions and will not be charged vacation for those days paid as bereavement leave. e. Should additional time off be necessary, employees may request to extend their bereavement leave by using vacation time (subject to management approval).
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